Angel Bicycle Helmet
Forget about the circle of life this is the circle of light that is known as the Angel Bicycle Helmet. Of course, this halo that you wear will be electronically and not divinely powered after all, you still have very much to live for in this life, right? Investing 49.99 in this is a no-brainer (lest you end up with no brains on the road), since it will work in your favor when you take statistics into consideration we are talking about 60% of road traffic accidents involving cyclists happen after 4pm.
Since the law requires cyclists to mount lights on the front and rear of their bikes, it still does not offer adequate protection when traffic is queuing nose-to-tail, hiding you from a drivers view. Since the built-in halo of LEDs are there, you ought to be a whole lot more visible than your cycling counterparts, letting you be seen from just about any angle for a full 360 degrees of visibility as either constant or flashing light.