Sunpentown Giddyup Core Exerciser
Those core muscles are important to keep tight, but they can be tricky to keep in shape. Thankfully there are workout machines that only require you to sit there and enjoy the ride. No more do you actually have to work at your body, just sit on a machine and let it do the work for you. Now if only your diet could be decied by some electronic device and keep you from messing things up when you get a little bit of a sweet tooth.
This Giddyup Core Exerciser is really a product. It rocks back and forth to your specifications to make sure that your core gets a serious workout. Of course it requires that you sit up straight and not lean back or forward. By altering how you sit or hold your arms, you can work other areas as well. If you�re feeling really adventurous, there�s even a video that shows exactly how to use this properly. You can purchase one of them for $452.94 through Amazon.